Eric's Pedometer Readings

This is a simple blog to keep track of my Pedometer readings for each day. All these readings are in "steps." My target is 10,000 steps per day. (I even hit the target some days! Imagine that!)

I think I'm done!

Dear pedometer reading junkies.

I think I'm done. I consider this experiment of loging my pedometer readings for the last several months to have been a large success. I will continue to wear the pedometer, but I won't be writing my results down in this blog any further. Thanks for all your positive comments during my experiment!

Take care (**sniff sniff*)



At April 11, 2005 at 1:57 PM, Blogger Jonathan S. said...

Don't do this to me! Are you crazy! I live for this blog! Every morning I look at the blog and say, "Oh, good, Eric's still walking. Eric's still on his feet. Eric is persevering. Eric is wearing a pedometer. Thank God in Heaven." You ARE going to create another blog, aren't you? I mean, what would my world be like without keeping tabs of my favorite pedometer wearing Canadian?!

At April 11, 2005 at 2:29 PM, Blogger Christian said...

Here-here! I live for the witty repartee and the lively updates--why you walk more one day than another, how many steps you take when you're sick, how many steps you gain when playing street hockey. This is important information - and you're thinking of denying the WORLD the treasures that are your pedobservations? That's pedthetic! This blog is a statistician's wet dream! You're not going to rob a statistician of his wet dream now, are you? C'mon, now, really. Would you do that? I don't think anyone who could walk 17,493 steps could be so heartless.

At April 12, 2005 at 10:58 AM, Blogger Eric said...

Who knew my contribution to the world could be so significant by merely walking. Life never ceases to amaze me. Unfortunately, I'm tired of writing it down hahahaha!

At April 12, 2005 at 6:42 PM, Blogger Jonathan S. said...

You're tired of writing it down? Are you serious?! Was Tolsoy tired of writing "War and Peace"? Was Twain tired when he wrote "Huckleberry Finn"? Where would we be if people just gave up because they were "tired"? That's ridiculous. Stand up. Put on that pedometer, and start walking!

At April 13, 2005 at 12:00 PM, Blogger Christian said...

What about Noah - did he give up when the ark was half-built, just because he was "tired?"

Did Agamemnon just "give up" when the Greek fleet was trapped by unfavorable winds at Aulis, and the seer Calchas revealed that their misfortune was due to Agamemnon, who had boasted that he equalled Artemis in hunting; the winds would only change if Agamemnon's daughter Iphigenia was sacrificed. Did Agamemnon not sacrifice his daughter because he was "tired"?

Did the small Argentine lake duck refuse to evolve a 17" long corkscrew penis with a brush-like tip, or fail to perform elaborate and vigorous courtship displays, just because he was tired?

When Oral Roberts locked himself in a tower and tearfully proclaimed that if his ministry didn't receive $8 million in donations by a specific date God would "call him home," did he give up because he was tired?

And what if that guy who invented spray-on hair just didn't, just because he was tired? Where would our civilization be now? Huh? BALD! That's where. It's almost as if you're a fan of congenital hair loss. Is that what you're saying?

At April 19, 2005 at 11:41 AM, Blogger Jonathan S. said...

Eric, where are you?! How about another blog! Perhaps a blog highlighting your lunch menu each day?! Come on, we're wondering about you!

At April 20, 2005 at 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this really the end......Requiem...


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