Eric's Pedometer Readings

This is a simple blog to keep track of my Pedometer readings for each day. All these readings are in "steps." My target is 10,000 steps per day. (I even hit the target some days! Imagine that!)

I think I'm done!

Dear pedometer reading junkies.

I think I'm done. I consider this experiment of loging my pedometer readings for the last several months to have been a large success. I will continue to wear the pedometer, but I won't be writing my results down in this blog any further. Thanks for all your positive comments during my experiment!

Take care (**sniff sniff*)


Thursday March 31, 2005 - 8,937 steps
Wednesday March 30, 2005 - 9,836 steps
Tuesday March 29, 2005 - 9,821 steps